It's amazing how often I worry about things I don't need to worry about. The Lord reminded me in a stark way how fruitless and misplaced worry is when I truly reflect on both the majesty and compassion of the God we serve. But I think I get to the point where worry becomes a chronic condition - something so ingrained in my response to trial it blinds me to the Lord's daily provision. Let's call the condition "worryitis", otherwise known as ENES - Enough is Never Enough Syndrome - a syndrome of which I am a lifetime carrier. It's embarrassing, actually. Even if I simply look at the basics - this is what I should be looking at anyway - in our household, everyday we have: - Breath in our lungs; - Time as a family; - A roof over our heads; - Clothes on our backs and shoes on our feet; - Food on our table; - Two steady paychecks to pay the bills; - Reliable transportation to get to those jobs And, yet, nearly everyday I still find some...